Home Points Standings Select Point account: Overview Default Filter: ----------- Tank Melee Priest Caster ----------- Bard Beastlord Berserker Cleric Druid Enchanter Magician Monk Necromancer Paladin Ranger Rogue Shadowknight Shaman Warrior Wizard ----------- Raidgroup Default Show inactive Show hidden ranks Show twinks LeaderboardSelect Leaderboard: Default WizardAcidwiz31Acidtest9 Overview Name Level Rank Status Class Type Events: Lord NagafenLady VoxSir Lucan D`Lere!SockingPracticeMaestro of RancorInnoruukBrother QwinnDragon NecropolisPlane of SkyNoble DojornOverseer of AirVenril SathirTrakanonFaydedarLich of MiragulMaster Yael!Buff and ParkSeverilousTalendorLord Rak`AshiirIxiblat FerGorenaireGeneral V`gheraXenevorashKazen FecaeCoercer T’ValaZordak Ragefire!SoulFire - ItemEejagPhara DarHoshkarXygozDruushkSilverwingNexonaMaster of SpiteMistress of ScornLhrancGrandmaster R’TalLord of LoathingKing TormaxDerakor the VindicatorDain Frostreaver IVVelketor the SorcererKeldor Dek`TorekVilefangTemple of VeeshanTelkorenarLady MirenillaWuoshiLord YelinakThe Statue of Rallos ZekKelorek`DarZlandicarIkatiar the VenomEashen of the SkyGozzremCekenarDozekar the CursedKlandicar!FTE Bonus - LegacySevalakVerina TombLord Doljonijiarnimorinar!Reaper of the Dead - ItemDagarn the DestroyerThe Avatar of WarLendiniara the KeeperLord FeshlakRing War WaveLady NevederiaLord Koi'DokenAvatar of AbhorrenceJorlleagVanikiAaryonarPhinigel AutroposSleeper's TombVeeshan's PeakQueen Velazul Di'zokOverking BathezidCasalenEssederaGrozzmelKrigaraLepethidaMidayorTavekalemYmmelnZlexakLord VyemmFrightDreadTerrorDolgin CodslayerVenril Sathir's RemainsAn Undead BardA Broken GolemPlane of FearA dracolicheCazic ThuleLord KreizennGarzicor's WraithMagi P`TasaLord of IreAshenbone BroodmasterPlane of HateVessel DrozlinVulak`AerrPlane of GrowthTunareStanos Herkanor!BP Bonus - Hate MiniSontalakThe ProgenitorThe Final ArbiterMaster of the GuardGuardian Kozzalym!FTE Bonus - OtherPrince Selrach Di'zok!FTE Bonus - 7 DayKeeper of Souls!Shiny Brass Idol - Timecard!Scepter of the Forlorn - TimecardNeb!On-time Bonus!GM Event - Hourly!AchievementKael DrakkelBazzt Zzzt!Scepter of the Forlorn - Item!FTE Bonus - Derakor the VindicatorDefault Acidtest 60 Guild Member Wizard Main 9 Acidwiz 60 Guild Member Wizard Main 31 ... 2 entries found Compare characters
Standings Select Point account: Overview Default Filter: ----------- Tank Melee Priest Caster ----------- Bard Beastlord Berserker Cleric Druid Enchanter Magician Monk Necromancer Paladin Ranger Rogue Shadowknight Shaman Warrior Wizard ----------- Raidgroup Default Show inactive Show hidden ranks Show twinks LeaderboardSelect Leaderboard: Default WizardAcidwiz31Acidtest9 Overview Name Level Rank Status Class Type Events: Lord NagafenLady VoxSir Lucan D`Lere!SockingPracticeMaestro of RancorInnoruukBrother QwinnDragon NecropolisPlane of SkyNoble DojornOverseer of AirVenril SathirTrakanonFaydedarLich of MiragulMaster Yael!Buff and ParkSeverilousTalendorLord Rak`AshiirIxiblat FerGorenaireGeneral V`gheraXenevorashKazen FecaeCoercer T’ValaZordak Ragefire!SoulFire - ItemEejagPhara DarHoshkarXygozDruushkSilverwingNexonaMaster of SpiteMistress of ScornLhrancGrandmaster R’TalLord of LoathingKing TormaxDerakor the VindicatorDain Frostreaver IVVelketor the SorcererKeldor Dek`TorekVilefangTemple of VeeshanTelkorenarLady MirenillaWuoshiLord YelinakThe Statue of Rallos ZekKelorek`DarZlandicarIkatiar the VenomEashen of the SkyGozzremCekenarDozekar the CursedKlandicar!FTE Bonus - LegacySevalakVerina TombLord Doljonijiarnimorinar!Reaper of the Dead - ItemDagarn the DestroyerThe Avatar of WarLendiniara the KeeperLord FeshlakRing War WaveLady NevederiaLord Koi'DokenAvatar of AbhorrenceJorlleagVanikiAaryonarPhinigel AutroposSleeper's TombVeeshan's PeakQueen Velazul Di'zokOverking BathezidCasalenEssederaGrozzmelKrigaraLepethidaMidayorTavekalemYmmelnZlexakLord VyemmFrightDreadTerrorDolgin CodslayerVenril Sathir's RemainsAn Undead BardA Broken GolemPlane of FearA dracolicheCazic ThuleLord KreizennGarzicor's WraithMagi P`TasaLord of IreAshenbone BroodmasterPlane of HateVessel DrozlinVulak`AerrPlane of GrowthTunareStanos Herkanor!BP Bonus - Hate MiniSontalakThe ProgenitorThe Final ArbiterMaster of the GuardGuardian Kozzalym!FTE Bonus - OtherPrince Selrach Di'zok!FTE Bonus - 7 DayKeeper of Souls!Shiny Brass Idol - Timecard!Scepter of the Forlorn - TimecardNeb!On-time Bonus!GM Event - Hourly!AchievementKael DrakkelBazzt Zzzt!Scepter of the Forlorn - Item!FTE Bonus - Derakor the VindicatorDefault Acidtest 60 Guild Member Wizard Main 9 Acidwiz 60 Guild Member Wizard Main 31 ... 2 entries found Compare characters